Opinion: Ben Carson or Donald Trump?

Kunaal Gautam ‘18

As 2016 inches closer and closer, President Obama is preparing for his leave of office. Amidst all of that, there is large speculation on who will replace President Obama to lead the United States of America. In the summer of 2015, many notable Republican figures announced their candidacy to replace the Democrat, the majority of them denouncing him for his work and what he has done to America.

The Democratic Presidential Primaries of 2016 are aligned with Obama’s views in many senses, so who could be behind all of the commotion? That’s right—the GOP (Grand Ol’ Party), also known as the Republicans. Two prominent figures who have had success in the polls at least once since September of 2015 are neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson and businessman Donald Trump. Both of them have condemned Obama’s course of actions. It is quite evident that  Dr. Carson and Trump share similar beliefs on President Obama, but they differ in their opinions on the issues that America faces, their beliefs on religion, and their beliefs on foreign policy, Dr. Carson having the superior agenda.

Dr. Carson’s perspective of directing America consists of an agenda led by his morals that focuses on the establishment of a flat tax (a uniform 14.9%), a more aggressive approach in handling ISIS, more opportunities for undocumented workers through legal processes, and the elimination of abortion under certain circumstances.

Nina Punwani ‘18 states, “I think Ben Carson is a very intelligent and peaceful man who grew out of poverty and is a great inspiration to all of America. He understands the problems that are occurring first-hand because he experienced them himself! He is also very humble and I believe he will stick with what he believes in.” Nina took a positive stance on Dr. Carson, applauding him for his ideas and personality, which is a substantial factor in being the President of the United States.

Billionaire Donald Trump has it all, or does he? According to the recent New Hampshire Primary Poll, the conservative businessman leads the GOP polls and has attracted a plethora of supporters for his cause. Trump wishes to secure the borders primarily (keeping Syrian refugees out, as well as deporting all illegal immigrants), and he also supports the complete obliteration of ISIS. He advocates for pro-gun rights, stating that if numerous French citizens possessed firearms, they would have been able to protect themselves or at least decrease the amount of casualties that would have happened in the tragic Paris Attacks of November 2015.

Although his ideas might sound too reactionary, many people support them. Adam Soltan ‘18 comments, “I think Trump is the best at what he does. He knows how to market himself to the masses. How else did he make that much money? Also, he expresses his true opinions and speaks to his heart’s extent. But what I don’t understand is how his bigoted remarks receives the support that they have.”

However, some take opposition to Trump. John Barnett ‘18 states, “Trump is absolutely in no way fit to be the President of the United States of America. How could he possibly lead a country if he cannot be specific and outline his plans to the American people during the GOP debates? On top of it, Donald Trump is very arrogant at times, and spews out rude remarks without thinking twice, such as his title he denounced to the Mexican people and his prejudice viewpoints against Muslims.” Barnett, who happens to support the Democratic Party, ardently shared his opinion, emphasizing that he loves America.

Both Dr. Carson and Trump, have a chance to lead this nation. However, the future will decide the fate, and who will next take place in the White House.