Breaking the Fast

Angelina Xu ’21

Your mother probably has scolded you before for skipping breakfast, as it is the “most important meal of the day,” and she’s right!  The origin of the word breakfast comes from “breaking” the overnight “fast” by supplying the body with vital nutrients and energy, and nutritionists recommend eating a healthy breakfast within two hours of waking up.  Apart from providing important vitamins and minerals for the body, such as calcium, iron, and vitamin D, breakfast also increases concentration and performance in school.

Studies have found that eating breakfast can improve cognitive performance and test scores.  According to the University of Florida, eating a low-glycemic meal (foods that do not increase blood glucose levels drastically) enhances concentration, attention, and memory.   Additionally, children who eat a low-glycemic meal show fewer signs of frustration when completing schoolwork.

Furthermore, eating breakfast could end a worldwide epidemic: obesity.  In recent years, obesity has become a growing issue. However, eating breakfast can counter this problem because people who skip meals tend to eat more calories the rest of the day.  Because this meal provides necessary nutrients, people who skip breakfast may not consume the essentials that their bodies need. Instead, they eat calorie-laden sweets and snacks that are “empty calories”, calories derived from foods that contain no nutrients.

Despite the many benefits of eating breakfast, many high-schoolers still skip this important meal.  The reason why Rebecca Tang ’21 does not eat breakfast on some days may be representative of a large portion of the student body: “I eat breakfast mostly every day but on days I don’t eat it because I don’t have time.”  Other possible reasons may include being on a diet. Those who are dieting may think that breakfast is the easiest meal to skip, eliminating unnecessary calories. However, studies have shown that breakfast speeds up metabolism and prevents craving and overeating later on in the day.  Another excuse might be not having an appetite in the morning. This could be easily resolved by trying new breakfast items: a smoothie, a muffin, or even dinner leftovers!

However, there are also others who do eat breakfast, but it isn’t the most luxurious meal of the day.  For example, Priya Venugopal ’21 proudly declares, “I eat milk and cereal every day!”

Many high-schoolers cite lack of time as one of the major reasons why they do not eat breakfast.  If this sounds like you, here are some quick ideas to try:

1) Blueberry muffin in a cup

Stir together ¼ cup of flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 3 tablespoons of milk into a microwavable cup, and sprinkle a handful of berries on top.  Microwave it on high for 90 seconds, and enjoy after slightly cooling.

2) Yogurt Parfait

Throw in some cheerios and berries into vanilla or greek yogurt.

3) Nutella and Banana Omelette

Spread one tablespoon of Nutella on a whole wheat wrap.  Wrap an unpeeled banana in the wrap like a burrito.

4) Breakfast Banana

Peel bananas and dip them into yogurt.  Roll them in granola, raisins, chips, etc.  Place them on a parchment or wax-lined tray and freeze the pops overnight.  Do it with other fruits too!

5) Egg and Cheese Tortillas

Beat an egg in a bowl and cook for approximately 90 seconds in the microwave.  Place the piece of egg and a slice of cheese in a tortilla and fold it. Put it in the microwave for 20 seconds to melt the cheese.

For more breakfast ideas, go to

Bon Appetit!